Inner demons

While going through the daily chores and duties suddenly you are attacked by these overwhelming thoughts of body image. Why am I this fat? Will I always be this fat? Am I ugly? Am I doomed to be this way for the rest of my life? Does anyone like me? The day was going well upto that point.. And then all starts to crumble down and you go spiraling down a negative alley.

That’s the thing about inner demons. You don’t recognize them as demons. They disguise themselves as opinions, beliefs, facts and attack your self esteem, confidence, happiness. If you were confronted with an outer demon, you would fight till your last breath to protect yourself. But you let the inner demons parade around, slaying you to pieces. That’s why battling with mental illness is harder than physical illness ; you don’t notice the beasts lurking in the corner.

Let’s all try to recognize all these negative thoughts as the demons they truly are. Then you will be one step closer to slaying!

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